Street photography in Cologne and Dortmund

Street photography is a genre that captures the essence of daily life and the urban environment. It is an art form that requires patience, observation, and an eye for detail. I recently had the opportunity to explore and photograph two German cities, Cologne and Dortmund, while I was in town to give lectures about photography at FHBK (in Dortmund). These cities provided a rich tapestry of photographic opportunities that I could not resist.

Cologne, a city steeped in history, was a delightful place to wander and explore. Its streets were alive with energy and provided an endless stream of subjects to capture. One of the most prominent features of Cologne is its stunning cathedral. The towering Gothic architecture is a sight to behold, and I made sure to capture its magnificence in my photographs. The streets leading to the cathedral were also a treasure trove of photographic opportunities. The bustling crowds, the street performers, and the historic buildings all contributed to the lively atmosphere of the city.

Dortmund, on the other hand, had a different vibe altogether. It is a city that is renowned for its industrial heritage, and this is reflected in its streets. The architecture is more modern and functional, and the people are hardworking and gritty. However, this did not detract from the photographic potential of the city. I found that the industrial backdrop provided a stark contrast to the people going about their daily business. I was particularly drawn to the street art that adorned the walls of many buildings. The vibrant colors and bold designs made for excellent subjects, and I spent many hours photographing them. I would have spend more time, had the weather on Saturday been better!

Being hosted by FHBK in Dortmund gave me the perfect opportunity to explore the city and its surroundings. The lectures I gave were absolutely success, but it was the time I spent wandering the streets and capturing the city's essence that truly made the trip worthwhile. As a street photographer, it is the opportunity to capture moments of daily life and the unique characteristics of each city that I find most rewarding.

In conclusion, Cologne and Dortmund were two cities that provided a wealth of photographic opportunities. Their unique characteristics and vibrant atmospheres made for excellent subjects that I could not resist. I hope that my photographs capture the essence of these two cities and inspire others to explore and capture the beauty of their surroundings.


Street Photography in Sicily: Exploring the Gems of Catania, Mount Etna, Castillo di Castelmola, Taormina, and Acireale


Stephanie Borg and Gasan’s Zammit collaboration